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Algorand Provider API

Exodus injects a global API into websites visited by its users at window.algorand.

Features & limitations



interface EnableNetworkOpts {
genesisID?: string;
genesisHash?: GenesisHash;

interface EnableAccountsOpts {
accounts?: AlgorandAddress[];

type EnableOpts = (
EnableNetworkOpts & EnableAccountsOpts

interface EnableNetworkResult {
genesisID: string;
genesisHash: GenesisHash;

interface EnableAccountsResult {
accounts: AlgorandAddress[];

type EnableResult = (
EnableNetworkResult & EnableAccountsResult

algorand.enable(options?: EnableOpts): Promise<EnableResult>

Use enable() to request access to the user's accounts. This will open a pop-up asking the user to approve the connection. Upon approval, Exodus will return the addresses of the user's accounts and network.


try {
const resp = await window.algorand.enable()
// {
// "genesisID": "mainnet-v1.0",
// "genesisHash": "wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=",
// "accounts": [
// ]
// }
} catch (err) {
// { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }


interface WalletTransaction {
// Base64 encoding of the canonical msgpack encoding of a Transaction.
txn: string;

// Optional authorized address used to sign the transaction when the account
// is rekeyed. Also called the signor/sgnr.
authAddr?: AlgorandAddress;

// Optional list of addresses that must sign the transactions
signers?: AlgorandAddress[];

// Optional base64 encoding of the canonical msgpack encoding of a
// SignedTxn corresponding to txn, when signers=[]
stxn?: string;

interface PostTxnsResult {
txnIDs: string[];

algorand.signAndPostTxns(transactions: WalletTransaction[]): Promise<PostTxnsResult>

Use signAndPostTxns() to request the Exodus user to sign and submit transactions. If approved, Exodus will sign the transactions using the sender specified in the transaction (or authAddr) and submit them to the Algorand network. It returns a Promise that resolves to the posted transactions result. The result is an object with a field txnIDs containing all the transaction IDs of the submitted transactions.


const { accounts } = await window.algorand.enable()

const baseHttpClient = await window.algorand.getAlgodv2Client()
const algodClient = new algosdk.Algodv2(baseHttpClient)
const suggestedParams = await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do()
const transaction1 = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({
from: accounts[0],
to: accounts[0],
amount: 1000000, // Equals 1 ALGO
const transaction2 = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({
from: accounts[0],
to: accounts[0],
amount: 2000000, // Equals 2 ALGO

const { txnIDs } = await window.algorand.signAndPostTxns([
txn: Buffer.from(transaction1.toByte()).toString('base64'),
txn: Buffer.from(transaction2.toByte()).toString('base64'),


interface WalletTransaction {
// Base64 encoding of the canonical msgpack encoding of a Transaction.
txn: string;

// Optional authorized address used to sign the transaction when the account
// is rekeyed. Also called the signor/sgnr.
authAddr?: AlgorandAddress;

// Optional list of addresses that must sign the transactions
signers?: AlgorandAddress[];

// Optional base64 encoding of the canonical msgpack encoding of a
// SignedTxn corresponding to txn, when signers=[]
stxn?: string;

type SignTxnsResult = (string | null)[]

algorand.signTxns(transactions: WalletTransaction[]): Promise<SignTxnsResult>

Use signTxns() to request the Exodus user to sign and submit transactions. If approved, Exodus will sign the transactions using the sender specified in the transaction (or authAddr) without submitting it to the Algorand network. It returns a Promise that resolves to the raw signed transactions in their Base64 encoded form.

After the transactions have been signed, a site may submit them via window.algorand.postTxns or algosdk's sendRawTransaction.


const { accounts } = await window.algorand.enable()

const baseHttpClient = await window.algorand.getAlgodv2Client()
const algodClient = new algosdk.Algodv2(baseHttpClient)
const suggestedParams = await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do()
const transaction = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({
from: accounts[0],
to: accounts[0],
amount: 1000000, // Equals 1 ALGO

const signedTransactions = await window.algorand.signTxns([
txn: Buffer.from(transaction.toByte()).toString('base64'),


interface PostTxnsResult {
txnIDs: string[];

algorand.postTxns(transactions: string[]): Promise<PostTxnsResult>

Use postTxns() to submit Base64-encoded transactions, an alternative to algosdk's sendRawTransaction.


await window.algorand.enable()

const { txnIDs } = await window.algorand.postTxns([

Transaction Constraints

Some constrains have been placed on the transaction signing request to prevent any malicious activity from a web3 site interacting with our extension.

Transaction Types

The following six transaction types are supported (albeit with certain constraints):


Rekeying is a powerful protocol feature that enables an Algorand account holder to maintain a static public address while dynamically rotating the authoritative private spending key(s). This is accomplished by issuing a "rekey-to transaction", which sets the authorized address field within the account object.


Exodus will reject signing any transaction that contains the rekey field. This is to prevent a malicious web3 site from taking over the account.

Close Remainder

Closing an account means removing it from the Algorand ledger. Since there is a minimum balance requirement for every account on Algorand, the only way to completely remove it is to use the Close Remainder To field.

Closing an asset means removing the asset balance from a given account on Algorand.