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Cosmos Provider API

Exodus injects a global API into websites visited by its users at window.exodus.cosmos.



interface ConnectionOptions {
chainId: string
onlyIfTrusted?: boolean

interface Account {
address: string // bech32 encoded.
algo: 'secp256k1' | 'ed25519' | 'sr25519'
publicKey: Uint8Array

cosmos.connect(options: ConnectionOptions): Promise<Account>

Use connect() to request access to the user's account. This will open a pop-up asking the user to approve the connection. If the user approves, Exodus will return account information related to the requested chain ID.

Eagerly Connecting

After the user approves a Web3 site's connection to Exodus, the site becomes trusted, which allows the site to automatically connect (eagerly connect) to Exodus on subsequent visits or page refreshes.

If you want to try to eagerly connect, you can pass the onlyIfTrusted option to connect().

try {
await window.exodus.cosmos.connect({ chainId: 'cosmos', onlyIfTrusted: true })
} catch (err) {
// { code: 4001, message: 'User rejected the request.' }

When using onlyIfTrusted, Exodus will only connect if the site is trusted. Users will not see a pop-up if they have connected to Exodus before.


cosmos.disconnect(): void

Use disconnect() to remove access to the user's account. Upon disconnection, Exodus will emit a disconnect event.


interface Coin {
amount: string
denom: string

interface Fee {
amount: Coin[]
gas: string
granter?: string
payer?: string

interface AminoMessage {
type: string
value: any

interface AminoTransaction {
account_number: string
chain_id: string
fee: Fee
memo: string
msgs: AminoMessage[]
sequence: string

interface PublicKeyInfo {
type: string
value: string

interface SignatureInfo {
pub_key: PublicKeyInfo
signature: string

interface AminoSignResponse {
signed: AminoTransaction
signature: SignatureInfo

cosmos.signAminoTransaction(transaction: AminoTransaction): Promise<AminoSignResponse>

Use signAminoTransaction() to request the Exodus user to sign an Amino-encoded transaction without submitting it to the network. This method returns a Promise that resolves to an object of type AminoSignResponse, which contains the signed transaction (AminoTransaction) and the corresponding signature information (SignatureInfo).


interface Transaction {
accountNumber: string
authInfoBytes: Uint8Array
bodyBytes: Uint8Array
chainId: string

interface SignResponse {
signed: Transaction
signature: SignatureInfo

cosmos.signTransaction(transaction: Transaction): Promise<SignResponse>

Use signTransaction() to request the Exodus user to sign a Protobuf-encoded transaction without submitting it to the network. It returns a Promise that resolves to an object of type SignResponse, which contains the signed transaction (Transaction) and the corresponding signature information (SignatureInfo).

cosmos.sendTransaction(chainId, rawTransaction, mode)

enum SendMode {
Block = "block", // Resolves once a transaction is confirmed.
Sync = "sync", // Resolves once a transaction is successfully submitted to a node.
Async = "async", // Resolves immediately.

cosmos.sendTransaction(chainId: string, rawTransaction: Uint8Array, mode?: SendMode): Promise<Uint8Array>

Use sendTransaction() to broadcast a previously signed transaction to the network. If the SendMode parameter is missing, the Sync send mode will be used by default. It returns a Promise that resolves to the transaction hash.



cosmos.on('connect', handler: (account: Account) => void)

The Exodus provider emits this event upon successfully connecting to the wallet.


cosmos.on('disconnect', handler: () => void)

The Exodus provider emits this event if it becomes unable to submit RPC requests to the current chain.

Once disconnect has been emitted, the provider will not accept any new requests until the connection to the chain has been re-established.


cosmos.on('accountChanged', handler: (account: Account) => void)

The Exodus provider emits this event whenever the address returned from calling the connect method changes. This means that accountChanged will be emitted whenever the user switches accounts in Exodus.