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Cardano Provider API

Exodus injects a global API into websites visited by its users at window.exodus.cardano and also at window.cardano.exodus, as specified by CIP-30.



cardano.exodus.isEnabled(): Promise<boolean>

Returns true if the provider is connected to the app or false otherwise.


type Address = string // bech32 format.

interface CollateralParams = {
amount: string // CBOR encoded.

interface Paginate = {
page?: number
limit?: number

interface DataSignature = {
signature: string
key: string

type TransactionUnspentOutput = string // CBOR encoded.

type TransactionWitnessSet = string // CBOR encoded.

type Transaction = string // CBOR encoded.

interface ApiMethods {
getBalance: () => Promise<string> // CBOR encoded.
getChangeAddress: () => Promise<Address>
getCollateral: (params?: CollateralParams) => Promise<TransactionUnspentOutput[] | null>
getNetworkId: () => Promise<number>
getRewardAddresses: () => Promise<Address[]>
getUnusedAddresses: () => Promise<Address[]>
getUsedAddresses: (paginate?: Paginate) => Promise<Address[]>
getUtxos: (amount?: string, paginate?: Paginate) => Promise<TransactionUnspentOutput[] | null>
signData: (address: Address, payload: string) => Promise<DataSignature>
signTx: (transaction: Transaction, partialSign = false) => Promise<TransactionWitnessSet>
submitTx: (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<string>

cardano.exodus.enable(): Promise<ApiMethods>

Use cardano.exodus.enable() to request access to the user's account. This will open a pop-up asking the user to approve the connection. Upon approval, Exodus will return an object containing the full API.


try {
const api: ApiMethods = await window.cardano.exodus.enable()
} catch (err) {
// { code: -3, message: 'The request was refused due to lack of access - e.g. wallet disconnects.' }


api.getBalance(): Promise<string> // CBOR encoded

Returns the total balance available in the wallet. This is the same as summing the result of all the UTXOS (unspent transaction outputs) amount returned after calling api.getUtxos(). This method also returns the balance of any custom tokens present in the wallet.


type Address = string // bech32 format.

api.getChangeAddress(): Promise<Address>

Returns an address from the wallet that can be used to return the leftover balance during a transaction. This can also be used for generic receive address as well.


interface CollateralParams {
amount: string // `bignumber` or `number` CBOR encoded.

type TransactionUnspentOutput = string // CBOR encoded.

api.getCollateral(params?: CollateralParams): Promise<TransactionUnspentOutput[] | null>

This returns a list of one or more UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs). This is used as collateral inputs for transactions with plutus script inputs. The params parameter is optional and used for specifying the desired amount, which determines the TransactionUnspentOutput returned as collateral. The total collateral returned will always be equal to or greater than the specified amount. If the specified amount is not met, null will be returned.


type Address = string // bech32 format.

api.getRewardAddresses(): Promise<Address[]>

Returns an array of reward addresses of the user's account. The returned Address is in hex-encoded format.

api.getUsedAddresses(paginate?: Paginate)

interface Paginate = {
page?: number
limit?: number

type Address = string // bech32 format.

api.getUsedAddresses(paginate?: Paginate): Promise<Address[]>

Returns a list of all used addresses of the connected account. The results can be further paginated by providing a paginate param (page and limit).


type Address = string // bech32 format.

api.getUnusedAddresses(): Promise<Address[]>

Returns a list of unused addresses of the connected user's account. The returned Address is in bech32 format.

api.getUtxos(amount, paginate)

type TransactionUnspentOutput = string // CBOR encoded.

interface Paginate = {
page?: number
limit?: number

// `amount` must be CBOR encoded if provided which can either be in `bignumber` or `number` format (before encoding)
api.getUtxos(amount?: string, paginate?: Paginate): Promise<TransactionUnspentOutput[] | null>

If amount is not defined (i.e undefined), this shall return a list of all UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs) of the user's account. If amount is defined, this request shall be limited to just the UTXOs that are required to reach the combined ADA/multiasset value target specified in amount, and if this cannot be attained, null shall be returned. The results can be further paginated by providing the page number and limit. The returned result is an array of hex-encoded UTXOs (TransactionUnspentOutput).


const amount = CBOR.encode(1000000) // 1 ADA.
const paginate = {
page: 1,
limit: 10,

const utxos = await api.getUtxos(amount, paginate)
// ['8282582062e...5a6c011a001e8480', '82825820db1b0a1...a6c011a001e8480']


api.getNetworkId(): Promise<number>

Returns the network ID of the currently connected account (1 is mainnet).

api.signData(address, payload)

type Address = string // bech32 or hex-encoded format.

interface DataSignature {
signature: string
key: string

// `payload` must be CBOR encoded.
api.signData(address: Address, payload: string): Promise<DataSignature>

Use api.signData() to request the Exodus user to sign an arbitrary message (payload). The payload must be a utf8 hex-encoded string and address can either be hex or bech32 format. If successful, it returns a Promise that resolves to the signature of the payload using CIP-0008 signing spec and key that can be used to verify the signature.


const address =
const payload =

const dataSignature = await api.signData(address, payload)

api.signTx(transaction, partialSign)

type Transaction = string // CBOR encoded.

type TransactionWitnessSet = string // CBOR encoded.

api.signTx(transaction: Transaction, partialSign?: boolean): Promise<TransactionWitnessSet>

Use signTx to request the Exodus user sign the unsigned portions of the supplied transaction. The transaction param should be in hex-encoded format. If partialSign is true, Exodus only tries to sign what it can but if partialSign is false and Exodus cannot sign the entire transaction, TransactionSignError shall be thrown with the ProofGeneration code.

After the transaction is signed, a site may submit the transaction via api.submitTx method.


const cborEncodedTransaction =

try {
const cborEncodedTransactionWitness = await api.signTx(cborEncodedTransaction)
// 690c615cf5d354bda0b1cbf15e2a637addf7ee2de4eda95ec16a65ae42a20227a5a6c019f1843
} catch (error) {
// { code: 1, message: 'User has accepted the transaction sign, but the wallet was unable to sign the transaction (e.g. not having some of the private keys).' }


type Transaction = string // CBOR encoded.

api.submitTx(signedTransaction: Transaction): Promise<string>

This method submits a signed transaction to the Cardano network. This returns the transaction hash if successful.



Exodus icon (URI image).

Returns Exodus as the name of the provider.


The current version of the provider.